Session one of the Summer Youth Development Academy began on Monday, July 6, with 118 middle school students and 26 high school students. Students had a blast enjoying the week’s activities, from team building activities and leadership sessions to basketball and swim lessons. Check out a few highlights from the week!
Students arrive at California State University, Dominguez Hills for the first day of Summer YDA.
Students learn what to expect throughout the week and about YDA’s focus on service through leadership.
Through team building activities, students learn to work together to achieve a goal.
The high schoolers hit the courts for a quick game of basketball.
During a session on leadership, middle school youth discuss skills they see in leaders.
Students bond during swim lessons.
Gabriela Medina, field deputy for Councilman Joe Buscaino, speaks with high school students about getting involved in the community and being leaders for positive change.
Pilar Hoyos from Watson Land Co. shares her leadership story with high school students.
A special visit from Anthony Pirrozi and his team from Boeing closed the week. They inspired middle schoolers by teaching them about satellites, sharing personal stories about how they got where they are today, and demonstrating how rockets work by creating water bottle rockets. The kids had a blast!
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