Sharefest welcomed 100 new middle school students as session two of Summer YDA began on Monday. Our amazing counselors welcomed them with open arms as students dove right into a week of learning and fun activities. High school students continued into week three of their program, continuing to work on lessons on writing, leadership, and community engagement. Check out this week’s highlights!
New MS students arrive for summer session two!
Students get to know their new groups and practice working as a team.
YDA counselors help make this program a success and build great relationships with their groups.
Students work on their writing assignment for the day.
Staying active while running soccer drills.
High school students work on their community plan projects.
High school students hear from and speak with Hattie Harrison, human resources specialist for Alcoa Fastening Systems and representative for the Alcoa Foundation, learning how she got to where she is, and what they can do to prepare now for their futures.
High school students also met with and interviewed Mayola Delgado, who works in community empowerment and communications with Univision Los Angeles.
Check back for additional YDA updates and be sure to follow Sharefest on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more YDA news. #SFYDA