Week two of the Summer Youth Development Academy brought many new and exciting moments for participants, from art projects and creative writing assignments to college visits and a special service day, and yes, the annual Water Olympics. In just two weeks we saw tremendous growth in our middle school students, who completed their session on Friday. The high school students continue for two more weeks, which will be filled with additional opportunities to inspire them for college and their future careers. Check out some of the highlights from week two of Summer YDA!
Executive Director, Chad Mayer greets the YDA session one students as they arrive at the Toberman Neighborhood Center for a day of service.
YDA students arrived at the Toberman Neighborhood Center ready to give back to their community.
Artist PeQue assists a student in preparing the room for a fresh coat of paint.
Executive Director Chad Mayer joins the campers in painting pathway on the floor.
YDA campers clean the computer lab of the Toberman Neighborhood Center.
Chad Mayer joins students and counselors in a game of basketball.
Chik-fil-A generously provided lunch for the YDA service day
Toberman CEO Linda Matlock thanks Sharefest YDA campers for their hard work.
Steve Tedesco talks with session one students about what they learned about teams and leadership during YDA.
Students participate in a musical chairs competition.
YDA camper receiving award from group counselor.
The competition gets intense as students demonstrate their swimming skills during YDA Water Olympics.
A student pushes a watermelon through the water during Water Olympics.
Students pause from activities for lunch from Subway.
High school students practice interview and videography skills as they capture stories during service day.