This week marked the third week for the Youth Development Academy high school students and the first week for session 2 middle school students. The younger students kicked off the week getting to know their groups and counselors through team-building activities and learning to express themselves through art. The high school students had the opportunity to meet with and interview California Assembly Member Al Muratsuchi and Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe. They even spent time role playing in the L.A. County board room, getting a feel for what it’s like to serve as a local official. We’re excited to watch the continued growth of these future leaders!
Students arrive at the California State University Dominguez Hills campus ready to meet their counselors.
Steve Tedesco greets a returning student with breakfast and a hug.
Students wait for artist PeQue to pass out materials and help them create designs for their hats.
Counselor Sergio works with a student on her hat design.
Counselor Gabriel assists his team as they compete in the Marshmallow Challenge.
Students race in a friendly competition.
2014 Youth Development Academy.
The 2014 YDA High School students prepare before meeting with Assembly Member Muratsuchi.
High School Program Director Ray helps high school member tie his tie.
Assembly Member Al Muratsuchi is interviewed by the high school students.
The YDA students with Assembly Member Al Muratsuchi.
Students review their notes before the interview with Supervisor Don Knabe in his downtown office.
Students greet Supervisor Don Knabe and his wonderful staff.
The high school students interview Supervisor Knabe.
The YDA students with L.A. County Supervisor Don Knabe.